The Other Woman Trailer: Natalie Portman vs. Lisa Kudrow, As you may recall, Vulture premiered the poster for Natalie Portman's tragic adultery drama The Other Woman yesterday afternoon. Now, on cue, the flick's trailer has also dropped. It follows Portman as she moves from seducing her married-to–Lisa Kudrow boss to marrying her boss to having a child with her boss to (SPOILER ALERT,
unless you plan on watching the trailer) struggling to cope with the loss of that child, and then to presumably finding some peace of mind via a connection with her boss's precocious son, the one he had with Lisa Kudrow. There's also a few scenes of Lisa Kudrow being pissed at Natalie Portman for stealing her man, which makes good sense. Elsewhere: ice-skating, toy-boat sailing, jovial cab rides, contentious classroom drawings, some hand-holding, and some making out.
unless you plan on watching the trailer) struggling to cope with the loss of that child, and then to presumably finding some peace of mind via a connection with her boss's precocious son, the one he had with Lisa Kudrow. There's also a few scenes of Lisa Kudrow being pissed at Natalie Portman for stealing her man, which makes good sense. Elsewhere: ice-skating, toy-boat sailing, jovial cab rides, contentious classroom drawings, some hand-holding, and some making out.
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